

Chiropractic Care

Spinal manipulation facilitates movement to restricted vertebral segments which result from traumatic events or degeneration over time. Chiropractic care helps to increase the functional range of motion of the spine and speed up the healing process while preventing injury-related degenerative spine-related conditions.

Pain/Injury Management  

Electric Muscle Stimulation helps to reduce edema and block pain in injured areas.

Therapeutic Ultrasound uses sound waves that penetrate soft tissue to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Intersegmental Traction is a gentle/effective method that provides gapping of the vertebral column to increase flexibility and lengthen the long muscles of the spine.

Cryo/Thermal Pack Application is a safe and natural way to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.


Medical Massage Therapy

Medical Massage increases blood flow and circulation to soft tissue structures breaks up adhesions and promotes healing to injured areas. Medical Massage Therapy is focused on helping to heal injuries, improve function, and reduce muscle tightness and spasms. Start enjoying the relaxing and therapeutic benefits of Medical Massage Therapy today!

DOT Exams

Robinson Chiropractic is a Licensed DOT Medical Examiner. We offer DOT exams on a walk-in basis or by appointment. During your exam, we will review your medical history, conduct a visual evaluation, and refer you for additional testing and diagnosis as needed. Following the session, Robinson Chiropractic will prepare a completed medical examination report form as part of your commercial driver's medical certification.

Questions? Call us at 888-851-7878 or request an appointment!